Pepsi has secured its position as one of the most valuable non-alcoholic beverage brand worldwide, with a brand value of €17.1 billion in 2023 [1]. As one of the biggest players in the €158.70bn European soft drink market [2], the brand’s online growth rate is also lapping its brick-and-mortar performance across Europe. Tapping into the ubiquitous at-home ordering trend, Pepsi has made substantial investments in digital channels and established strategic foodservice delivery partnerships.

The pivotal link between Pepsi and its food delivery consumer base lies in the digital menu, where the inclusion of images alongside product names has demonstrated the power to enhance consumer attitudes towards menu items, increase purchase intentions, and ultimately boost willingness to pay. This phenomenon extends to renowned beverage brands like Pepsi.

In this article, we delve into a comprehensive analysis of Pepsi's presence in the European food delivery market. Furthermore, we conducted an examination of the presence of Pepsi's images on digital storefronts selling their products, providing a compelling argument for the significance of this practice in today's dynamic consumer landscape.

Based on data from Dashmote, Pepsi has a substantial presence on food delivery platforms. However, our data also reveals that Pepsi's presence exhibits significant variation across Western European countries. France and Belgium tend to have a higher prevalence of Pepsi, with food delivery penetration rates around 10%. In contrast, Switzerland (1.4%) and Germany (3.3%) have notably lower Pepsi penetration rates on food delivery platforms.

The research findings underscore the significance of regional preferences in shaping Pepsi's market presence within the food delivery sector. However, it's crucial to emphasise that the presence of product images on the food delivery menu also plays a pivotal role in Pepsi's strategic planning and market expansion efforts. 

Digital menu images: The key to brand’s success on food delivery platforms

A market report suggests that high-quality food photos can improve menu conversion rates by 25% and increase total food orders by more than 35% on food delivery platforms [3]. This phenomenon holds true not only for restaurants but also for beverage brands.

The inclusion of Pepsi images in the food delivery beverage menus provides consumers with visual cues that significantly influence their decision-making process. The product size and the packaging details can be quickly communicated to the customers, helping them better understand and engage with the offerings. 

Using Pepsi images can also drive up customer traffic and help in building brand loyalty and brand recognition. The human brain retains 10% of information that it reads, but 65% of information that it sees [4]. A beverage image featuring the brand packaging is more likely to stick in the mind of potential customers, leading to sales further down the line. 

These insights underscores the importance of using product images in the world of food delivery. In the next section, we delve into a detailed examination of digital menus featuring Pepsi products but lacking accompanying images. This analysis will shed light on potential areas for improvement and optimization, ensuring that Pepsi can effectively capitalise on its market opportunities.

Pepsi images are the mostly present on Swiss food delivery platforms

Dashmote's data reveals the presence and absence of Pepsi product images within digital storefronts that feature Pepsi offerings. These findings underscore a trend across Western European countries where Pepsi products are sometimes listed without accompanying visuals, indicating opportunities for Pepsi to enhance its online performance.

Notably, Western European countries exhibit a Pepsi image all-presence rate ranging from 27% to 61%. Switzerland stands out at the top of the list, with a striking 61% of digital storefronts selling Pepsi products having all images present, and a higher percentage of 80% featuring at least one Pepsi product image.

Following closely is France, with percentages of 47% and 76% for all Pepsi images present and at least one Pepsi image present, respectively. In Germany, 51% of digital storefronts selling Pepsi show all product images.

Conversely, the rate is the lowest in Belgium, which stands at 36%, indicating a less visually enriched Pepsi presence in this region.

Discover Dashmote

Dashmote is dedicated to assisting enterprises in overcoming obstacles and achieving success in the digital market space. As the foremost provider of big data and AI analytics solutions in the food and beverage (F&B) sector, we enable companies to make informed strategic choices by offering thorough analysis and invaluable insights into the food delivery market and F&B trends. Interested in taking your online business to the next level? Feel free to reach out to our team at Together, we can establish a robust online footprint for your Food & Beverage enterprise.

If you find this article valuable, you may also be interested to check out more of our blog articles on Pepsi, such as the cola battles in India or the cola war in the UK.

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The European Soft Drinks segment achieved a substantial revenue of €158.70 billion in 2023, with a projected annual growth rate of 3.01% (CAGR 2023-2027) [1]. Within this dynamic market, PepsiCo stands as a prominent player, holding a leading position as one of the world's largest manufacturers in the beverage industry. In 2020, Pepsi's brand value exceeded $18.2 billion, with its beverages contributing to 46% of the company's revenue [2].

With the digital transformation reshaping consumer habits, online channels, particularly food delivery platforms, have become crucial avenues for manufacturers to capture market share of the European carbonated soft drink. Recognizing the significance of this shift, PepsiCo swiftly adapted its strategy to embrace the evolving landscape by  strategically entering the digital space. This article delves into data of three of PepsiCo’s most recognizable brands - Pepsi (Regular), Pepsi Max, and 7UP - and explores their presence as well as gaps on food delivery platforms in three European countries - Spain, France, and Poland. By leveraging Dashmote’s data analytics SaaS platform, we examine how PepsiCo has navigated food delivery by expanding its online product listings in these countries, thereby extending its reach to European consumers' virtual doorsteps.

PepsiCo has the highest penetration rate in France, while in Spain it’s still catching up

Before delving into the presence of PepsiCo’s core beverages on food delivery platforms, it’s important to begin with a broader overview of the beverage industry. According to Dashmote's data, the digital storefronts selling beverages vary significantly across three countries. France stands out with the highest beverage penetration rate, where up to 87.5% of the 148K digital storefronts on French food delivery platforms list beverages on their menu. Spain follows closely with a beverage penetration rate of 73%, while Poland has the lowest rate at 66.3% and the smallest number of digital storefronts (39K) on food delivery platforms.

Correspondingly, PepsiCo is largely present on French food delivery platforms, with 38.5% of all digital storefronts listing a PepsiCo product. This is followed closely by Poland, with a PepsiCo penetration rate of 36%. In Spain, there are a lot of opportunities for PepsiCo to grow, where around 19% of all DSFs on food delivery list at least one PepsiCo beverage. 

The prevalence and gaps in PepsiCo brands across three countries

PepsiCo boasts a diverse portfolio of brands, each carefully tailored to cater specific audiences. Pepsi Regular caters to those seeking a bolder taste with an extra burst of flavour, while Pepsi Max appeals to health-conscious individuals in search of a low-calorie option. By having a diverse product listing on food delivery platforms, PepsiCo can enhance its brand reach and visibility. Therefore, analysing the presence and identifying potential gaps in product listings of core brands can provide PepsiCo with a competitive advantage in an increasingly fierce marketplace.

According to Dashmote's data, the presence of PepsiCo core brands varies across different countries. In Poland and Spain, Pepsi Regular reigns as the most listed PepsiCo beverage on food delivery. In Poland, a significant 89% of digital storefronts that offer PepsiCo products sell Pepsi Regular,  while the figure is 53% in Spain. Interestingly, in France, the most listed PepsiCo beverage is 7UP, present in 43.2% of digital storefronts listing PepsiCo products, whereas Pepsi Regular constitutes only 26.3%.

The presented graph demonstrates substantial opportunities for PepsiCo across all three markets, where many digital storefronts have yet to include their core brands discussed in this article. By leveraging data to identify and address gaps in product listings, PepsiCo could enhance overall product availability, optimise revenue potential and gain a competitive edge in the market.

Listing all 3 PepsiCo core brands on food delivery

According to Dashmote's data, in Poland PepsiCo’s performance is great with 34.6% of all digital storefronts that list at least one PepsiCo beverage, are listing Pepsi Regular, Pepsi Max and 7Up on their menu. Spain and France on the other hand have the highest potential for cross-selling their core products, where respectively 15% and 8% of all DSFs that list PepsiCo beverages, list all the three core brands. This indicates significant growth potential for all three markets, as there is still ample room for further expansion in listings.

By making all PepsiCo brands readily available on food delivery platforms (which can range beyond the three brands that are referenced in this article), PepsiCo can strategically capitalise on significant growth potential and aims for market dominance. This move is especially advantageous as Millennials and Gen Z, the primary target demographics for Pepsi, highly value convenience, time-efficiency, and seamless experiences. By seamlessly integrating its brands into food delivery services, Pepsi can align its marketing strategy with these preferences, presenting a compelling proposition to convenience-oriented consumers and leaving a lasting impression of its products in their minds. This strategic alignment can lead to increased consumer engagement and foster long-term brand loyalty.

Discover Dashmote

Dashmote is dedicated to assisting enterprises in overcoming obstacles and achieving success in the digital market. As the foremost provider of big data and AI analytics solutions in the food and beverage (F&B) sector, we enable brands to make informed strategic choices by offering thorough analysis and invaluable insights into the food delivery market and F&B trends. Interested in taking your online business to the next level? Please reach out to our team at Together, we can establish a robust online footprint for your Food & Beverage enterprise.

If you find this article valuable, you may wish to check out more of our blog articles on Pepsi, such as the battle between Coca-Cola and Pepsi in the UK or local VS. global cola in India.