Twice a year, Dashmote welcomes two Business Development Interns to help the Commercial Team reach its goals.

Our BD interns are responsible for researching and analyzing new market opportunities, as well as developing customer relationships. They also have a say about the strategy to define and implement to reach new customers and expand into new markets.

Since its foundation in 2014, Dashmote has always had a flat hierarchy that fosters collaboration and creativity between team members. While this managerial style allows teams to make decisions quickly and with little approvals, it also encourages employees to take ownership of their work, as they are accountable for their own decisions. Most importantly, every employee is equally important and has the same level of responsibility.

To be set up for success, BD Interns are taught about our product and the industries in which it operates in order to understand the customer’s needs and objectives, and be able to find creative solutions to their business problems.

Our interns should be excellent communicators in order to build relationships with prospective customers, and present our unique product to sales and marketing representatives. Our BD interns are required to have an analytical mindset to understand and track customers' trends and behaviors, and work with Dashmote’s database. In addition, they must be able to collaborate with other departments to ensure that Dashmote’s strategies are implemented correctly. 

Meet Wei, one of our current BD interns. She’ll talk about her experience at Dashmote!

Q: Can you introduce yourself?
Wei: I am Wei, 27, Chinese, and I studied International Studies at Leiden University. I have interned as a marketer and strategist.

Q: Tell me more about your work at Dashmote; what are your main responsibilities? What areas are you focused on?
Wei: My main responsibility is to support the commercial team to conduct research into a client’s background, to support the sales process by working on the pitch slides and drafting the proposals, to support the BD manager to expand the sales opportunity.

Q: Describe your typical working day at Dashmote.
Wei: I usually arrive at the office at 9 am, grab myself a coffee then start my work. I normally start by checking emails and Slack, then make a to-do list for the day. After a productive morning, I prefer to have my lunch outdoors. I sit by the canal and have my lunch. Afternoon time I prefer to do some less brain-demanding work. I usually have some meetings with clients or with my manager.

Q: What was the biggest challenge you encountered at Dashmote?
Wei: Multitasking and prioritizing work was really challenging for me. I had tasks from three managers in my first week, which was overwhelming. But after communicating with every manager and prioritizing the work, I started to learn to deal with it.

Q: What new skills/knowledge have you developed since the beginning of your internship?
Wei: I learned so much from Jess about accounts management.

Q: How would you describe the culture of Dashmote? 
Wei: Very young and open, it is very easy to talk to higher management and other colleagues.

Q: What did you enjoy the most at Dashmote?
Wei: Dashmote has the magic to make work so fun. I never knew work could be this fun, and I achieved so much confidence and a sense of achievement.

Q: How does the BD internship at Dashmote relate to your long-term education or career goals?
Wei: Although I have learned some very valuable knowledge and skills, the most beautiful thing of interning at Dashmote makes me more prepared and confident for my future career.

Q: Did the internship at Dashmote provide you with any insights you hadn’t anticipated?
Wei: Communication is something that really stood out to me while working in a fast-moving startup. 

Q: Do you have any advice for future Dashmote’s BD intern?
Wei: Never be afraid to ask questions!

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Not only do we now share the same building, Ngrane and Dashmote share the same values and mission. We’re happy to announce a partnership where we will join the forces of data and design to empower both of our businesses digitally. 

Dashmote is a software company that aims to democratize data through AI, machine learning, and data science. We’re on a journey to make data easily accessible to everyone and unlock visibility on the market. Being the food delivery services (FSA) one of the main focuses, we have developed an algorithm that scrapes publicly available data in the food and beverage industry. This data provides detailed insights into the food and beverage industry and creates transparency for our clients.     

Guiding you through a data-driven world

Together with our clients in the food and beverage industry, we unlock valuable customer insights to guide them through a data-driven transformation. Our customers can easily keep track of their market share, which store sells their products, and exactly which products are represented throughout the market. We generate customized AI-based customer insights on a dashboard to solve their sales and marketing challenges, driving sales to a new level.

Designing the ultimate customized experience

Where Dashmote focuses on data entirely, Ngrane focuses on turning ideas into actionable results. They guide their clients through their thought processes, ensuring every detail is turned over twice. From avoiding biases, to thoroughly researching buyer personas, from the choice of tone-of-voice to the choice of brand colors, and from exploring business options to designing user-friendly designs - Ngrane guides its customers to connect with the right audience and goals to grow sustainably. 

Ngrane has been building unique customized digital experiences for various clients and has always kept the user experience in mind. Not only does the user experience on the website count, but the whole experience of the brand. How visible is the brand on social media, how can you sell an experience rather than a product? How can you reach the right audience, and how do you personalize this communication? And last but not least, how can you be more inclusive?

With a keen eye, Ngrane believes that design and digital experiences should be agile and data-driven. Data is needed to provide the best experience to customers, clients, or anyone who visits a digital environment.  

The power of data and design

To make the most of both visions, we decided to team up. Ngrane moved into our office building a little while ago, presenting the ultimate opportunity to start working together. Ngrane will help Dashmote with the design and social media strategy, and Dashmote will help Ngrane to become more data-driven. Perfect match, right?

From now on, we will post our insights regularly to work on our mission to democratize data. We will keep you informed on the ins and outs of the food and beverage industry and share our thoughts on them. 

Stay tuned if you want to know more about your opportunities in FSA!